Sunday, 24 November 2013

On board with kids :)

This is so true, with all the mess, fuss and yelling, every day seems like 'a long day's journey into night' but time flies by and we realise it when our tiny tots take the route of pre teens. All time cuddles and snuggles turn into at times hugs! So don't miss these chances and making memories!

Travelling with kids always freak us out. But a little planning physically as well as mentally can make it real FUN for all of us. Here I'll share some of my hands on knowledge which I gained over last many years after a real LOT of travelling :)

  I wish you a  happy reading and do share your own tips and tactics as well :)

  •  Once you have finalised the place and time for vacations start making a 'to do list' , stick it on your most accessible place and keep adding on chores whenever and whatever comes to your mind. I personally love sticky notes which I keep in my every room along with a pen. So if I'm working and anything comes to my mind I note it down and stick it on mirror.
  • All the dresses, tee shirts, denims, pyjamas, anything which you want to take along, pick them up from kids drawers and closets and place them in the bag. If you don't want to start baggage burden a week in advance then simply start putting them away in a corner or dresser or any vacant place. Don't allow kids to wear them. It will be a pleasant job to put all these pre washed and ironed stuff in the bags. There will not be any surprises:   'Oh, that dress is still in laundry.'  ,  ' Where is my favourite denim.'  , 'I don't like this pyjamas,I only want my favourite ones!'      'Oh, there is a hole in this pocket!'       ' My princess shirt is missing.'       'My jacket is stinking and now we don't have time to send it for dry cleaning'  etc.etc.
  • Always take your kids favourite clothes along while travelling to avoid any argument, 'You know I hate this shirt.' 'I will not wear this skirt at any cost' etc.etc.
  • If you have a really picky and choosy kid, the best thing is to let him or her choose what to wear during vacations. Vacations are time to relax and reconnect not to argue and yell. So nip any such  incentive which may cause later arguments and power struggles, at very bud. 
  • Either its a kid or grown up, there's nothing like denim. Stain resistant, stylish and can easily go with any type and colour of shirts.
  • A big no to cotton trousers. Whatever you do they cannot last more than a day. And if a toddler is wearing them then don't forget to carry an extra pair of pants along. Its must they'll get soiled.
  • A big no to laces when packing kids shoes. Joggers without laces are the best. Kids can easily put them on and there are no more cries after each half an hour,'Mommmm, laces!!!'
  • A very big 'no' to all those cutie buyer's bargains which all of us collect over the time and assume travelling is the best time to try them on. That cute little wrist band or this pretty straw hat with fancy trimmings which makes your little plum looks  divine are a big NO if she keeps on throwing them. You don't need to spend half of your time in picking it up and putting it back on her head. There is no need to carry those stylish shades and pretty caps you once bought for your kids and now its a power struggle to make them wear it. Throw any such item back in the closet which makes your child to throw a tantrum. Your little jewels will look super cute with their sparkling eyes and smiling faces when you will start the day with compassion.
  • Be practical and pack wisely! Any unnecessary item will be an extra burden and any unwanted thing will lead to nagging!
  •  However any favourite bunny,dolly, hat or hankie is must to be on board with you if it can keep your bundle of joy happy :)
  • For girls' hair do pink and white are the colours which may easily go with any girl's outfit. I still remember how I used to carry a big bag of ponies, clips, bracelets with me. But now I put two nice bands and four cute pins in pinks and whites.
  • Remember 'Less is More' ! We moms so want our little pumpkins to look super cute that we burden ourselves with unnecessary clutter. Its really good to be a 'minimilist' at times :)
  • Don't let number of clothes exceed number of days. I personally keep room for one tee shirt per child to get as a souvenir from the place we are visiting.However if shopping is not in the agenda then an extra t-shirt should be there. This doesn't apply to toddlers and babies. Moms are supposed to pack according to their individual needs.
  • Never compromise on the number of socks and undies. You will need a pair per day. I still remember our last trip when we were in Singapore and we were short of socks and undies. So I washed them and hung inside the washroom. It took them long time to get dry and they carried an unpleasant smell of dampness,even though I've ironed them.
  • Pair tee shirts with trousers or skirts and tights while packing.
  • Put undies and socks in separate clear plastic bags.
  • A backpack is must to have. While exploring your holiday resort you can conveniently put all the required things in it. Whether its your baby's extra clothes,wipes and diapers or your camera and other eatables. However if its a family reunion then instead of back packs, small trolley bags are preferable.
  • Medicines!
  • Kids love to carry back packs. Its a convenient and cute way to carry along kids required goods while on the go! And here are some dos and don'ts :
  • - a big NO to junk food
    - YES to cereal bars, mini pack of flavoured or plain milk and water
    - some crayons and a notebook or
    - your child's favourite toy
  • But a big NO to backpacks if your kids eventually refuse to carry them and in the end its you who has to carry their back packs in addition of your own. Its much better to prepare small goody bags and put them inside your own back pack.
  • Moms' bags are like a treasury to kids which always carry something to soothe an agitated child whether he is a tot or a teen. Here is a list of my must haves:
- sanitiser
- wipes
- moisturiser
- pen (for you) pencil (for kids)
- mini notebook
- mini packs of munchies
- mini pack of napkins
- some band aids
- panadol
Above are the things which you should carry besides your regular stuff, lots of patience and loads of
 love !

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