Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Heavy lies the head that wears a crown!!!

It’s fifteenth of January and end of a wonderful journey which I started on first of December with an aim of “How to be a better Mom in 31 days”! I’m fifteen days late than my due date. I was quite upset in the beginning and I tried to put all my efforts to complete it on time but then I realized that I couldn’t possibly go against the values which I’m preaching to others! I realized the importance of preferences!

 I wrote what I deeply felt and I sincerely tried to practice what I wrote. I got frustrated almost every other day. I thought it was a useless activity and neither my kids can change nor can I. But things were working, unseeingly, unconsciously, unobviously! My commitment to my readers enables me to guard my own acts towards my kids! I learnt to be patient and persistent and realize that growth is a process. I tried to listen to my kids simply to listen not to respond with an answer.

I realized that I cannot raise calm kids with my rising voice. I came to know the importance of compassion which I realized is most effective way but at the same time most difficult to practice. Sometimes you feel so frustrated that you simply refuse to relate! I realized that patience is the best parenting aid which can do miracles! I learnt the importance of persistence! Whether it’s you or your child, being persistent is the key to achievement!

Parenting is in every aspect a great responsibility! Being a parent we must remember that heavy lies the head that wears a crown! Parenting is not an easy way; it’s a roadway to untimely callings and all time commitments! It’s not only an eager heart which you need but a really strong mind as well to keep on moving!

Day two; Be Prepared
Day three; Be there!
Day Four; Watch your Expectations!
Day Five; Let's bake some cupcakes!
Day Six; Five minutes means five minutes!
Day Seven; Weekend Fun!
Day Eight; How to help your kids to keep their room tidy!
Day Nine; Let's arrange your kids' closet!
Day Ten; Please don't embarrasse Mama :(
Day Eleven; Be a Proactive Mom!
Day Twelve; Engage your kids in household work!
Day Thirteen; Let's decorate some cupcakes!
Day Fourteen; Listen to them!
Day Fifteen; Be Patient!
Day Sixteen; Inspire your child to dream!
Day Seventeen; Give them books :)
Day Eighteen; Give values to your kids!
Day Nineteen; Let's be grateful to our kids for being there!
Day Twenty; Pamper your child :)
Day Twenty-One; Be a Happy Mom :)
Day Twenty-two; 'Our kids are for different times.'
Day Twenty-three; Hugs and Kisses :)
Day Twenty-four; Be the first and the best friend of your child :)
Day Twenty-five; Parenting is about growth!
Day Twenty-six; Enjoy your child!
Day Twenty-seven; Keep on moving; your efforts will be rewarded!
Day Twenty-eight; Routines are life savers!
Twenty-nine; Connect your kids!
Day Thirty; You are the best Mom :)
Day Thirty-one Heavy lies the head that wears a crown !

Loads of thanks for reading :)
Wishing you a wonderful day !
Do share your thoughts with us in 'comments' below :)
I would love to read your words :)

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Tuesday, 14 January 2014

You are the best Mom!

Yes, you are the best Mom in the entire world for your kids! There is no one in entire world who can understand your child better than you! No one who can hold these muddy hands the way you do! No one who can wipe this runny nose with a smiling face but you! No one who can listen to these endless tales except you! It’s you who can spend hours and hours in some inessential art projects every other week! It’s you who has stamina to tend a sick child at night after a long and tiring day! It’s you and only you who can do all of it and much more!   At times you may feel that you cannot cope with parenting stress, still no one, no matter how close to you he or she is can bear it for you the way you can and you do! It’s your path, it’s your journey and you have to walk through it! No one can tread it better than you! There are situations which may lead you to the road of stress, depress and regress. You may lose the direction but you cannot lose your path because you are a mom and your motherhood is your strength!

It’s you and only you who can do all of it and much more! You do feel tired and you do complain but you never want to cast them aside! You may be intolerant and you may be rude, you may lack patience and you may lose composure but you can never lose love you feel for your child!

It’s your household, your very own little kingdom, your sanctuary, your refuge, your little world! No one can cherish it the way you do and no one can run it the way you can!

Sometimes it’s really surprising to see the way people come out with ideas and suggestions regarding your parenting. It’s always good to listen to good advice but sometimes such situations are more tormenting than soothing. Don’t be intimidated! Be confident about your parenting pattern with an ear shut to unnecessary remarks, tips and tools and eagerly open to compassionate suggestions!  

It’s you who can create a difference in your child’s life. Your time, love, compassion and passion for your child can do miracles! 

So, be happy and be proud because…. You are the best mom!!!

Day two; Be Prepared
Day three; Be there!
Day Four; Watch your Expectations!
Day Five; Let's bake some cupcakes!
Day Six; Five minutes means five minutes!
Day Seven; Weekend Fun!
Day Eight; How to help your kids to keep their room tidy!
Day Nine; Let's arrange your kids' closet!
Day Ten; Please don't embarrasse Mama :(
Day Eleven; Be a Proactive Mom!
Day Twelve; Engage your kids in household work!
Day Thirteen; Let's decorate some cupcakes!
Day Fourteen; Listen to them!
Day Fifteen; Be Patient!
Day Sixteen; Inspire your child to dream!
Day Seventeen; Give them books :)
Day Eighteen; Give values to your kids!
Day Nineteen; Let's be grateful to our kids for being there!
Day Twenty; Pamper your child :)
Day Twenty-One; Be a Happy Mom :)
Day Twenty-two; 'Our kids are for different times.'
Day Twenty-three; Hugs and Kisses :)
Day Twenty-four; Be the first and the best friend of your child :)
Day Twenty-five; Parenting is about growth!
Day Twenty-six; Enjoy your child!
Day Twenty-seven; Keep on moving; your efforts will be rewarded!
Day Twenty-eight; Routines are life savers!
Twenty-nine; Connect your kids!
Day Thirty; You are the best Mom :)
Day Thirty-one Heavy lies the head that wears a crown !

Loads of thanks for reading :)
Wishing you a wonderful day !
Do share your thoughts with us in 'comments' below :)
I would love to read your words :)

Take a moment to like our facebook page :)

Monday, 6 January 2014

Connect your kids!

Being Mom it’s our responsibility to facilitate love, care and compassion among our kids. I know some parents who on perceiving the first signal of argument start hovering like a bee. Their first and last option is to separate them, disengage them to avoid any further fights without least notion that they are interrupting a process, nipping the tender plant of companionship without giving it a chance to grow into a strong, deeply rooted and well founded relation!

I’m not suggesting that don’t interrupt even their screams reach high till sky. I have three kids Alhamdulillah and a perfect idea how well they manage to let us go crazy. But separating them is not the solution! Whatever you would do, from buying them identical toys to separate play areas, they will quarrel. Each time you put all of your efforts in eliminating every reason and all the causes which may lead to their fist fighting and tongue twisting, they manage to devise a new one J So what are you supposed to do?

·         Nothing is more natural than sibling’s rivalry, accept it!

·         Bonding starts from early days. Facilitate combine games and play times.

·         Frequently tell them how important they are for each other. Try your best to develop trust and reliance upon each other, among your kids.

·         Your little words of reassurance can create a big difference. Keep reminding your kids either together or alone that ‘no matter how much they fight, they will always be each other’s best friend.’

·         Be totally impartial and never ever takes sides of either party. Nothing can flare up negative feelings in kids than sibling comparisons.

·         Give them time to solve issues at their own, only plunge in when you think that things are getting out of control.

·         Never rebuke your child in presence of her sibling.

·         It’s natural whenever kids play, the dominating one tries to take advantage of her weaker siblings. I know very well that how annoying it is but hold yourself from interrupting or passing any comments as long as they are having fun. You won’t like to strengthen your one child at the cost of other. Instead of improving things you will make them conscious, uncomfortable and distant from each other. Its better if you use other occasions to develop leadership skills in your less strong child, encourage his independent thinking and decision making.

·         Siblings have common interests too, apart from individual likes and dislikes. They may like to play ‘make belief’ games together or do art work or simply build houses with mattresses and pillows. Facilitate their mutual playing even if they end in fighting.

·         The more time siblings spend together, more connected they will be as adults, insha AllahJ

Let your kids live their days. They will fight; they will scream but eventually end up in being a team! Their arguments will enable them to reach a settlement, their fights will tell them to value peaceful playing, and their teasing will create memories to cherish!

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Routines are life savers!

Why do I love routine so much? Well I used to be quite free spirited and out of order sort of person. Luckily with the onset of mommy hood where I received lots of misguided ideas, I got one that was life saving and it is, “Routine is life saver!” If you ask me the best parenting tool I can offer you that is ‘routine’ which I've tried and tested for ten years! It is my sole bridge to sanity when by the end of the day I exhaust all of my mental and physical faculties. Here I’ll quote the exact words from ‘The Toddler Book’ by Sharon Maxwell Magnus and Margaret McAllister:

“Toddlers are not old enough to create their own rituals or understand why some things can be varied but others can’t. Routine helps them to make sense of a world that is largely out of their control, and gives them a feeling of security. This doesn’t mean that every day has to be the same- there just need to be a set time and a set way of doing things such as getting up, going to bed and having meals. (And doing school work, this is my addition :)

You can be more flexible at weekends – then your child will learn the difference between the frantic get-up-and-go of weekday mornings and the relaxation of weekends. But it’s still good to have some anchors at the weekend, such as Sunday lunch and a regular bedtime. (In KSA we can replace Sunday with Saturday and lunch with dinner as most of us prefers to have Saturday brunch.)”

Whether it’s a toddler or a teen, everyone needs a routine! My kids are those ever active, sleep free, lot of chipmunks who get fresher with the onset of night. All the issues are resolved, all the problems get solved and all the rivalries are settled! The only fact which makes them to change into pajamas and get settled in beds is unconscious respect for the routine which they’ve been following since their first year.

Either its bedtime or nap time, study time or play time, routine facilitates things for parents as well as child. Making sure your child has a set routine helps her as she grows up and makes life easier for you, too!