Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Heavy lies the head that wears a crown!!!

It’s fifteenth of January and end of a wonderful journey which I started on first of December with an aim of “How to be a better Mom in 31 days”! I’m fifteen days late than my due date. I was quite upset in the beginning and I tried to put all my efforts to complete it on time but then I realized that I couldn’t possibly go against the values which I’m preaching to others! I realized the importance of preferences!

 I wrote what I deeply felt and I sincerely tried to practice what I wrote. I got frustrated almost every other day. I thought it was a useless activity and neither my kids can change nor can I. But things were working, unseeingly, unconsciously, unobviously! My commitment to my readers enables me to guard my own acts towards my kids! I learnt to be patient and persistent and realize that growth is a process. I tried to listen to my kids simply to listen not to respond with an answer.

I realized that I cannot raise calm kids with my rising voice. I came to know the importance of compassion which I realized is most effective way but at the same time most difficult to practice. Sometimes you feel so frustrated that you simply refuse to relate! I realized that patience is the best parenting aid which can do miracles! I learnt the importance of persistence! Whether it’s you or your child, being persistent is the key to achievement!

Parenting is in every aspect a great responsibility! Being a parent we must remember that heavy lies the head that wears a crown! Parenting is not an easy way; it’s a roadway to untimely callings and all time commitments! It’s not only an eager heart which you need but a really strong mind as well to keep on moving!

Day two; Be Prepared
Day three; Be there!
Day Four; Watch your Expectations!
Day Five; Let's bake some cupcakes!
Day Six; Five minutes means five minutes!
Day Seven; Weekend Fun!
Day Eight; How to help your kids to keep their room tidy!
Day Nine; Let's arrange your kids' closet!
Day Ten; Please don't embarrasse Mama :(
Day Eleven; Be a Proactive Mom!
Day Twelve; Engage your kids in household work!
Day Thirteen; Let's decorate some cupcakes!
Day Fourteen; Listen to them!
Day Fifteen; Be Patient!
Day Sixteen; Inspire your child to dream!
Day Seventeen; Give them books :)
Day Eighteen; Give values to your kids!
Day Nineteen; Let's be grateful to our kids for being there!
Day Twenty; Pamper your child :)
Day Twenty-One; Be a Happy Mom :)
Day Twenty-two; 'Our kids are for different times.'
Day Twenty-three; Hugs and Kisses :)
Day Twenty-four; Be the first and the best friend of your child :)
Day Twenty-five; Parenting is about growth!
Day Twenty-six; Enjoy your child!
Day Twenty-seven; Keep on moving; your efforts will be rewarded!
Day Twenty-eight; Routines are life savers!
Twenty-nine; Connect your kids!
Day Thirty; You are the best Mom :)
Day Thirty-one Heavy lies the head that wears a crown !

Loads of thanks for reading :)
Wishing you a wonderful day !
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