Mom is the centre of gravity in every household. She attracts, binds and holds all the strings. Mom smiles, home smiles. Mom’s mood is
contagious, upset mom – cranky kids, tired mom – hyper kids, angry mom –
rebellious kids, simple mom – contented kids, assertive mom – organized kids,
happy mom – happy kids!!!
But how to be a happy mom? Quite a quizzical quiz!
Heaps of work, piles of tasks, loads of commitments! We feel
lost in this labyrinth! Where does lie the road to be a happy mom???
Here are the answers I got when I asked myself, don’t forget
to share your own tips with us
101 of being a
happy mom!
Know your preferences! You
cannot bear a single stain on your kitchen counter but it’s getting late, your
child is sleepy and your kitchen is a mess, what would you prefer to do? If you
prefer to spend last of your day’s energies in brushing your kid’s teeth,
helping him to get into pajamas, reading him a story then it’s obvious what
matter to you most. So, don’t let it be an itchy issue if you find that at
times your home is not up to the strict standards of cleanliness you expect it
to be, because it’s not your preference! It may be second on the list but not
the top priority!
Avoid what agitates you and
go for what elevates you!
Pamper yourself everyday! It
can be anything which uplifts your moods, relax your nerves, and enhance the
sense of well being. What about a hot cup of tea with a light snack when kids
are asleep and you are relaxing beside hubby or munching some nuts while
watching your favorite shows. Specify a time and respect it. We can’t expect
respect from others for our rest and relaxation if we are the first to ignore
Look pretty and smell
doesn’t take more than a minute to apply some gloss and spray perfume. It’s not
you who will feel good with a nice look it’s your kids and hubby who would love
it whether they admit it or not ;)
Be positive and be with
positive people. You become the company you walk with and talk with. Choose
Though it’s a cliché but
you can’t deny its effectiveness, “Don’ put it till tomorrow what you can do
today.” Don’t get lethargy take over the better of you. Do it now!
Plan and prepare! An organized
Mom is a happy Mom!
The moment you lose your
temper, you lose your dignity and grace! Be composed! Don’t let these little
hands push your buttons.
Take a break before work
starts turning into drudgery.
Days are long
but years are short! Rejoice your past, enjoy your present and look forward to
your future! Life is a miracle, live it beautifully! Be thankful!